Tuesday 17 May 2016

5 Tips To Keep Your Belongings Safe from Holiday Theft

As a traveller you are clearly an attractive target for robbers. Luckily, there are various distinctive ways in which you can keep your personal belongings secure.
The holidays are a chipper time, however while you're celebrating somebody may be looking at those new presents. Be careful with the thieves holding up to get their hands on your presents. As indicated by Nationwide claims information in the course of recent years, there were almost 15,000 home robberies during the holidays and travel months of November, December and January.

Here are 5 safety tips while travelling and to keep your belongings safe from holiday theft.

1. Save the status updates for later
Telling loved ones your holiday plans through social media may appear to be safe, however that online networking message can be a promotion to thieves that says, "I'm not home." Don't let your online networking habit while you're gone put your home at danger for a thievery.

2. Add home security gadgets to your present list
Adding these things to your list of things to get can offer some additional protection:

  • Sensor-activated lighting 
  • Movement activated webcams 
  • Smart phone home security 

Likewise, investigate technology that gives you a chance to associate with your phone for every minute of every day observation when you're on the go.

3. Money Pouch
Worn around your waist and underneath your garments, the well-known travel pocket is intended to discretely hold your cash, charge cards, international ID, and so forth.
This is an affection it-or-hate it solution. Before your first enormous trip you will think it was clearly the best thing since sliced bread, however in 22 months of travel it genuinely once in a while will leave you backpack. There are few people swear by these money pouches, yet there are several reasons why you don't care for them actually:
Firstly, imagine yourself burrowing around for something some place under your shirt… you simply wind up attracting thoughtfulness regarding yourself. Not perfect.
 Regardless of showcasing cases despite what might be expected, they are never totally agreeable. You are generally mindful of it, particularly in case you are in a mid-year destination where you are just wearing a shirt. You will generally kind of feel like a police witness wearing a wire.
While useful against entrepreneurial burglary or pick pocketing, it won't conflict with out and out theft. Cheats think about these pouches!
I'd likely say they are best to secure things while in travel (e.g. on night buses or trains). I have been less eager about wearing them in other travel circumstances, for holiday when touring.

4. Monitor your keys 
A lot many people know not to cover up keys some place about the house but rather would you say you are likewise mindful that lending your keys to trades people and colleagues can represent a risk? Keys are effectively duplicated and can give robbers quick, no fuss access to your assets.
Also, When you have to get some closed eye, whether it's airport or on a train, dependably ensure that you have your rucksack either under your head or as near you as you can; appended by some parachute line or a strap.
That way, if anybody tries to rifle through its content, you ought to wake up. Thieves work with such speed that they could half-creep your sack in seconds from under a table as you sit will-fully ignorant, tasting tea in a bistro. Slip the handles of your pack under the leg of your seat so as not to give them the shot.

5. Install an alarm or deter thieves with a dog
Add another layer of defence to your home with an alarm system. A barking dog can also provide effective security for your home. Even installing a "Beware of the dog" sign can make thieves pause before targeting your home.

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Monday 24 August 2015

Wednesday 19 August 2015

You Should Definitely Not Visit these Destinations with Parents !!

Some vacations are meant for a family to enjoy so that you can go on some adventures and reconnect. While others, well, not so much. There are some places in the world where taking your parents for a vacation would be the worst idea you have ever had! And if you plan a trip alone or with your friends, some amount of lying (especially if your parents have been there, done that) will be required. Here are some vacation destinations that your parents will not approve of:

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

How could we not put Las Vegas Tourist Attractions in a list full of debauchery and decadence? It’s the place to be when it comes to bachelor parties, getting broke at the casino, and drunken weddings (Remember Ross and Rachel in Friends?). Although prostitution is illegal here, ‘escort services’ are plentiful. It’s the original sin city and how! Whatever happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, right guys?

The Sin City of the world is all set to light up the fire to enthral the bride-to-be and her pals. Casinos where you can try your hand at gambling and straight-out-of-the-movie night clubs and lounges, Las Vegas serves as one of the best destinations to party. Las Vegas has around 135,000 hotel rooms to fill in which means there’s always a deal! Discounts and party- who wouldn’t want to be here!

Amsterdam, Nerherlands

This one’s an absolute no-brainer if you don’t live under a rock somewhere! Or in a pineapple under the sea. Amsterdam is the place to head to if you’re interested in a little taste of the ‘high’ life (if you know what we mean). There’s also its famous red light area with live sex shows and prostitutes displayed in glass windows (What they show in the movie Queen is absolutely, 100 per cent real). Don’t tell your parents!

Scottsdale, Arizona, United States

Your friend is the serious types. Walking around in black blazers attending corporate meeting is his idea of pleasure. He would not like anything tacky and Scottsdale is the right pick for such a dapper gentleman. With 200 golf-courses where your buddies can have a classy blast; Scottsdale also has great night-life, plush restaurants and Casinos.

Montreal, Canada

Not everyone can afford a trip to Paris- especially when there is a wedding to host! Montreal perhaps, makes sure you don’t miss out on the Parisian fun.Canada’s cultural capital; Montreal has great jazz clubs, orchestras, petite bistros that give out the feel of France; at a smaller budget.

Tuesday 11 August 2015

Awesome Things to do in Warsaw !!

Spending 3 days in Warsaw can be a real treat to oneself. The city that lost its glam during the second world war surprised the world with its come back. Warsaw today is like a second Beijing. City city throws out enthusiasm and festive energies with a pat of history and a dash of culture. 3 days would indeed be less to explore this heartthrob city but hey, 72 hours is sufficient get enjoy a huge chunk of what Warsaw has to offer.

Warsaw is not only the capital of Poland but also the cultural hub of the country. The restored city celebrates plenty of annual festivals and is home to parties, museums, parks, palaces and other historical monuments. The city may confuse you with its many attractions but you sure wouldn't run out of places to explore here. If you're wondering about what to do in Warsaw for 3 days? Here are a few highly recommended Things to do in Warsaw

Palace of Culture and Science
You definitely cant miss this one as it is the tallest building in the whole of Poland. This building is home to museums, theaters, a concert hall and a cinema. The 30 storied building also offers panoramic views of Warsaw from its 30th floor.

Copernicus Science Center
This is a class apart. You can divulge the mysteries of nature while conducting experiments on your own here. If you're interested in world or environment related stuff, this center will be more like paradise to you.

The Vistula
A holiday without some beach fun is an incomplete one. The Vistula is where you complete your holiday in Warsaw. Here you have a natural forest with unique and rare bird species, sandy beaches, a spectacular fountain club, a fleet of restaurants and bars and more. Visit here, unwind and relax in the blissful atmosphere of this heavenly spot.

Lazienki Park
A treasure of peace and tranquility, this park is an ideal place to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city. The park is home to a mesmerizing lake with a spectacular palace on the water and an amphitheater. During summers you can enjoy Chopin concerts here free of cost. Moreover the enchanting park with its winding tracks ideal for jogging and lush green lawn is a perfect stress buster.

Eating and Shopping
Warsaw offers a wide range of traditional restaurants as well as multi cuisine restaurants. During your 3 days in Warsaw do make sure you try the popular dish- Pierogi here. Also shop for souvenirs and make sure you buy yourself some traditional Polish arts and crafts.
Tip: Shop in the old town for better variety and quality.

Party Hard
Warsaw has a sparkling nightlife with fancy bars and clubs. Enjoy a couple of drinks with some exceptionally good music and a delicious meal. You could also go club hopping and party until morning here.

Warsaw undoubtedly offers a wide range of attractions to explore. On a 3 day trip to Warsaw, cover the city's major attractions and indulge in some festive fun and nightlife the city throws your way. 

Monday 13 October 2014

Boston : America’s Historic city with so much to see and do

Boston calling you?! Wondering what to see in Boston? We are here to help! Boston is the capital of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and one of the largest cities as well. The city has witnessed a lot of historically significant events like the Boston Tea Party and the Battle of Bunker Hill. Boston is a delightful blend of the antique and the modern. A perfect mixture of fashion and tradition. From boat and cruise rides to theatre to zoos, we bring you the must see places in Boston.

If you are heading out for a family vacation, The Public Garden in Boston should be on your ‘things to do in Boston with family’ list! It is one of the top tourist attractions in Boston. Spread across an area of approximately 24 acres, the garden boasts of a beautiful lake. A couple of swans can usually be found gently drifting across the 4 acres of the lake. One of the major attractions of the lake is the Swan Boats. For a nominal fee, one can take a tour of the lake within one of these boats. However, the Swan Boats are operational only between the months of April and September. Other attractions at the park include the Statue of George Washington, Small Child Fountain, Good Samaritan statue, Boy and Bird fountain statue etc.

The Freedom Trail® is another one of the things to do with your kids around Boston. It covers major historically and culturally significant venues. Boston Common, Park Street Church, Granary Burying ground, site of Boston Massacre and Bunker Hill Mountain are some of the sites covered in this trail

 Franklin Park Zoo is one place your kids will enjoy. It houses around 120 different species of birds, reptiles and mammals. Don't forget to add this to your ‘things to do in Boston with family’ list. Keep a day aside just for the Franklin Park Zoo.  

For food lovers, Boston is a dream destination! You can have it all, lobster rolls, Italian pizzas, ice creams, sushi, aromatic barbequed or roasted fish, fresh oysters, prawns... have we got you drooling already?! You can even bite into the deliciously humble burger! 

Theatre and drama fanatics will have a captivated time in Boston. Performing arts is an extremely active genre. You’ll always have some music concert to attend, some art exhibition gallery to visit, some jazz club to be at or some magic or puppet show to take your kids along with. There is some play or the other going on at the various entertainment centres spread across the city. You may even catch a glimpse of your favourite star! Don't forget to pack your autograph books!  

The Boston Marathon, The Boston Pride Parade (held by the LGBT community) and Boston Wine Festival are some major events that take place in Boston. If you cannot or don’t want to be a part of these events, at least try to be an audience to them. You’ll be left fascinated. And if you participate in the Boston Marathon, you’ll have an amazing tale to tell your grandkids! 

Planning to finish off with your Boston Tourist Attractions list? How about holding hands with the love of your life and sailing off into the sunset on one of the many cruises/ sail boats that the city of Boston has to offer? An ideal and super romantic way to end a vacation we say!